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اسم البرنامج :
Game booster v3.4
شرح البرنامج والصور :
البرنامج مفيد جدا فى عملية تحسين اداء الكمبيوتر عند اللعب على الجهاز حتى لو كان عندك جهاز قديم حيث انه يعمل على قفل البرامج التى تعمل فى الخلفية وخدمات الويندوز التى ليس لها ضرورة ويقوم بتفريغ الرام مؤقتا ليركز على شئ واحد وهو جعل الجهاز اكثر سرعة لتشغيل الالعاب فقط هذا هو همه الوحيد :) وتقوم بتفعيله واطفاءة بالضغط على زر واحد فقط وبسهولة تامة وليس له اى اضرار على الجهاز .
Designed for higher FPS and less lags!
Game Booster 3 is capable of delivering the best gaming experience to you even if you have an old PC. One-click to boost PC performance is not enough, Game Booster 3 also allows you to tweak your system for top PC performance. By temporarily shutting background processes and unnecessary Windows services, cleaning RAM, and intensifying processor performance, Game Booster 3 concentrates every little system resource for gaming only.
Game Booster 3 is compatible with PunkBuster, Cheating-Death, VAC, and any other anti-cheat software.
Key Benefits in Game Booster 3.4.0
1-Click Boosting Game Performance EnhancedGame Booster v3 can easily and fast-close background processes and unnecessary Windows services, to speed up your game playing and avoid possible conflicts and incompatibility. With the innovative "Enhanced 3rd parties' services detection" technology, Game Booster v3 can automatically detect and close more unnecessary background services.Pure Gaming Environment with "Game Desktop" New!Game Booster 3 now is able to provide you a pure "gaming environment" that leaves only the gaming window on the desktop; thus you will not be disturbed by other programs during your gaming.Tweaks System for Top PC Performance EnhancedGame Booster v3 can tweak your PC for the ultimate system and Internet speed with a single click.Create Your Own Game Box EnhancedAdd and manage your games in a game box and boost the game automatically with Game Booster 3 when launching
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